
Our Yellow Brick Road

Our Yellow Brick Road

Sunday, June 9, 2013

We are having a...........!

Sam and I are so excited to be parents. It's hard to imagine that in a few months we will be holding the first addition to our family. 

20 weeks has come and gone.... and we are having a little boy!  
Here come matchbox cars and bow-ties!

Here I am at 20 weeks with a little bump. I feel huge but everyone keeps telling me you don't even look pregnant. I've still got 20 more weeks of growing to do so I'm perfectly content with being on the small side right now. 

A pregnancy moment from this week (#24) was making homemade pesto fetuchinni but forgetting to turn on the dishwasher earlier that day to have clean bowls. We ended up eating a delicious meal out of Tupperware containers. Very high class, I know.