
Our Yellow Brick Road

Our Yellow Brick Road

Friday, February 13, 2015

Moving to a new blog!

This will be the last entry on this blog because we're moving to a new blog. I felt like it needed a change with the new year, so here it is! Click here to continue following us. 
Here is a little preview...

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Journaling here and there

I've never been very consistent about keeping a journal. It usually ends up that I'll write every day for a week, then once a week, then once a month, then I'll jump back into it and write every day. Since having Henry, I've thought about the best way to keep track of memories and events in an easy yet fun way. I guess that is one reason why I'm blogging; mostly for a way to record Henry's childhood.

I stumbled on an idea from Project Life about a mini calendar journal. I've done pretty good so far (2 months and counting). Each day, you record a short phrase, sentence or picture to describe what you (or your child did). I think I'll end up putting them in Henry's baby book when I'm finished.

Here is a glimpse into the Honey home:

It's exciting to see how much Henry has changed in only 2 months. Time really flies with kids!

Monday, February 2, 2015

A day outside

While visiting Kansas City a few weeks ago, we were blessed with weather nice enough to go outside! Henry loved playing in the dead grass. I wonder what he was looking for...

  Everyone else separated into two teams to play a little game of soccer. 

Good times
Distracted goalies, kids scoring on the wrong goal, fancy footwork and lots of laughs.