
Our Yellow Brick Road

Our Yellow Brick Road

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Three Green Events

Event #1: Henry went to his first parade for St. Patrick's Day. The weather was really warm and he was able to show off his cute sun hat. His grandma and grandpa were able to join us too. I just can't get over how grown up this guy is getting!

His grandpa said he resembled Gilligan (from Gilligan's Island) in this outfit. 

Henry: "hmmm.....I don't know what to think about this parade."

Henry sure does love his grandma Honey. 

Event #2: We are starting to introduce solid foods to Henry. We recently fed him avocado, and recorded it. His facial expressions are priceless. 

Event #3: A 6-month old photo in a green basket.

"Mom, what am I doing in a basket?"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Baby Cousins

Jovee & Henry

We're hoping that when they get a little older they will have lots of fun together! 

My two favorite boys

Little Henry loves his dad. It is so cute to see them spend time together. When Sam comes home Henry has the biggest grin on his face and follows him around the room with his eyes. Here are some little moments with just the two of them. 

Henry loves books! He tries to help us turn the pages and gets so excited he drools everywhere. We especially love reading him books by Sandra Boynton, such as Your Personal Penguin and Tickle Time. 

We're all ready for church! Henry tries to sing (making cooing noises) when he hears singing. 

Whenever our clothing has tassels or strings Henry will find them and they go straight to his mouth. Where does he get this from?

If you are familiar with Henry, or are our apartment neighbors you will know that he loves to holler and squawk just for fun, very loudly. This is one of those times. 

One of Henry's talents is an uncanny ability to win staring contests. He beats us every time!