
Our Yellow Brick Road

Our Yellow Brick Road

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend

I just want to say that I am married to the best man in the world. He is kind and thoughtful, hard working and funny, a great husband and a great father. I love every minute that I spend with him and I look forward to 5:00 when he walks through the door.

A few weeks ago Sam had to attend a FPA conference in Florida for a few days. Thank goodness for FaceTime so we could stay in touch. We were so glad when he came back home. 
The pictures are a bit blurry but you can see everyone's facial expressions. So funny!

The many faces of Henry

This little boy has the most expressive facial expressions. I could just sit all day and watch him. This first series of pictures was when he was a few days old and we were trying to wake him up. 
Oh, we love him so much!
Look at those chubby little cheeks!

Here he is looking out the window and contemplating the mysteries of the universe (I presume). 

Our bundle of joy

Sam and I went to the hospital on September 20th for me to be induced and our little boy to finally join our family. We were super excited to be parents and finally hold him in our arms. 
Labor and delivery went very well and at 2:15 pm he finally arrived!
He weighed 8 lbs 5 oz, and was 21 inches long.

We love him so much!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Having gestational diabetes isn't the end of the world

I wanted to write about my experience with gestational diabetes in hopes that it may prove useful to anyone who is going through the same thing.

A few days after our trip to Chicago I was 29 weeks pregnant and my doctor had me take the glucose challenge test (GCT) to see if I had gestational diabetes. You have to drink this really sweet drink in less than 5 minutes and then they measure your blood sugar levels for a few hours afterwards. And as you can probably guess...I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was shocked and scared. I thought: this isn't fair! I don't have a history of diabetes in my family. I'm not overweight. I eat fairly healthy and I exercise. Why me?

The next few weeks following that appointment were challenging: carb counting at every meal and snack, recording everything you eat and when you eat it, taking your blood sugar multiple times a day and trying to stay within the target values. I promise that it gets easier and their are perks to having GD (being healthier) but it takes patience and a lot of self-control.

If anyone knows me well, they know that I have a huge sweet-tooth and little self-control when it comes to desserts. But when you know that your baby's health is dependent upon you making smart eating choices I think it makes it easier to say no to sweets. I won't say that I was perfect all the time but reminding myself why I was doing it really helped.

I found that exercise worked miracles in controlling my blood sugar levels. My dietitian said exercise was like a natural dose of insulin. I just walked for 30 minutes a day in the morning and I could always tell a difference in my blood sugar levels when I didn't exercise.

Here are some of the foods that I ate:

   Eggs! I changed it up and cooked them all different ways and added spices and salsa too.
   English muffins (1/2 english muffin=1 carb serving) I like the high fiber or whole wheat ones
   Yogurt: There are tons of yogurt types and flavors. I liked greek yogurt because it has more protein
                and filled me up

   Veggies with ranch or hummus

   String cheese with lunch meat, pepperoni or Ritz crackers
   Granola bars

   Chicken and grilled vegetables
   Fritatta with sausage and bell peppers
   Pasta with vegetables and sauce
   Huevos Rancheros

   Sugar free jello
   graham crackers with peanut butter
   pudding cups
   yogurt with fruit
   sweet cereal with a little milk
   1/2 cup ice cream

Once you get the hang of carb counting you realize you can still eat almost any of the foods that you like! All you have to do is plan carefully and eat the right portion sizes.