Recently I have asked myself, "why do apartment leases in Kansas expire at the end of July?" Doesn't anyone know that the end of July can be terribly hot and humid? Well, if you can't guess our lease expired the end of July and I found myself going through our things (I don't know how we accumulated so much only being married a year), donating a lot, selling things on craigslist, and packing up the rest. I love purging our apartment of unnecessary things but I don't enjoy packing or moving that much.
Our new apartment is really close to campus, so we can get to class in a matter of minutes. However, we moved into a 1 BR when we were used to a 2 BR. Therefore, the task of making 2 adults and a baby-on-the-way fit into 1 BR becomes the challenge I'm faced with. Luckily, Sam's parents are letting us store some of our "less used" items in their basement (they are so kind to us).
Here are some pictures of our place before we moved in.
Our kitchen has all new appliances and granite counter-tops and tile floor, which is really nice.
Our living room is pretty big and long with a huge window (left picture), while our bedroom (right picture) is quite cozy and small. Overall, this little place has grown on me since I've started making it our own and hanging pictures up.